Art as Activism - Giorgio Blanco - JPG
Art as Activism - Giorgio Blanco - JPG
Art as Activism - Giorgio Blanco - JPG
Art as Activism - Giorgio Blanco - JPG
Art as Activism - Giorgio Blanco - MP4 9m:46s

Art as Activism
Giorgio Blanco

Art as Activism - - Giorgio Blanco


Title: Art as Activism
Director: Giorgio Blanco
Production Company: Pop-Up Magazine Productions
Agency: Patagonia
Instagram Tag: @patagonia @giorgioblanco_
How does this production embrace sustainability?: This film is aimed to stop deep-sea trawlers from harming the Mediterranean ecosystem. It does so by showing how activism can be a form of art.
Synopsis: Italian fisherman Paolo Fanciulli had tried everything to stop deep-sea trawlers from harming his beloved Mediterranean ecosystem. He protested, monkey-wrenched and even impersonated a policeman, but nothing worked. That’s when he hatched the plan to commission 10-ton marble sculptures and place them on the ocean floor.
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