INDEPENDENT PROJECT (Best Independent Project)

Thales - Tommaso Roccheggiani - Tommaso Roccheggiani, Serge Fouha JPG
Thales - Tommaso Roccheggiani - Tommaso Roccheggiani, Serge Fouha MP4 6m:52s

Thales - Tommaso Roccheggiani, Serge Fouha
Tommaso Roccheggiani

Thales - Tommaso Roccheggiani, Serge Fouha - Tommaso Roccheggiani


Title: Thales
Brand/Artist: Tommaso Roccheggiani, Serge Fouha
Director: Tommaso Roccheggiani
How does this production embrace sustainability?: Shot on a very low budget, with only the support of filmArche (a school and film association) to allow for outdoor filming in times of pandemic.
The water element as the origin of all things (Arché) can be seen in both a philosophical/anthropological and an environmental sense.
Synopsis: An engineer alienated from his routine finds himself, after leaving work, on a journey backwards that will lead him to contemplate the essence of all things.
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