INDEPENDENT PROJECT (Best Independent Project)

Bitter Fruits - Paula Buchta - no brand or artist JPG
Bitter Fruits - Paula Buchta - no brand or artist VIMEO 2m:38s

Bitter Fruits - no brand or artist
Paula Buchta

Bitter Fruits - no brand or artist - Paula Buchta


Title: Bitter Fruits
Brand/Artist: no brand or artist
Director: Paula Buchta
Instagram Tag: @paulabchta @robin.scherm @lubidu @simon_hartl @azra_nur_demirkan #BitterFruits
How does this production embrace sustainability?: We aimed to shoot locally and intentionally avoided hiring people from other locations. The entire team and cast were from the Munich area, allowing us to achieve a production that was as environmentally friendly as possible. The catering was predominantly vegetarian, and we minimized the use of plastic wherever feasible. As a no-budget project, working in a completely climate-neutral manner was challenging, but we made every effort to achieve it.
Synopsis: Follow a young Turkish girl as she grapples with her identity and societal expectations. Misunderstood and unheard, she questions her existence in a world that confines her to predefined roles. Despite embracing cultural wisdom, she confronts the bitter truth of reality as she witnesses her sister's journey into womanhood. In a world devoid of promised rewards, she finds solace in the sanctuary of her body amidst the turmoil.
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