Ultra Low - Bianca Poletti - JPG
Ultra Low - Bianca Poletti - VIMEO 13m:27s

Ultra Low
Bianca Poletti

Ultra Low - - Bianca Poletti


Title: Ultra Low
Director: Bianca Poletti
Production Company: Mirmade Productions, OPC, BACON and Zauberberg
Instagram Tag: @bpoletti, @Algoldfarb, @katehollowell, @mirmadeproductions,@producershay @baconproduction, @opcproduction, @zauberbergproductions, @kaylahoff, @nina_sacharow, @cabinedit, @mikolour, @abbeyhendrix, @xtinawhatever, @learnfern
How does this production embrace sustainability?: On all of my sets UL included, sustainability is very very important to us. We always re use water bottles on set, recycle, and make sure everyone is being eco conscious throughout our shoot days + wrap.
Synopsis: Tensions grow between two friends as their attempt to make an independent film together goes absurdly wrong.
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