click, click, BOOM! - Tomson Tee - JPG
click, click, BOOM! - Tomson Tee - VIMEO 5m:32s

click, click, BOOM!
Tomson Tee

click, click, BOOM! - - Tomson Tee


Title: click, click, BOOM!
Director: Tomson Tee
Production Company: Ghost Robot
Instagram Tag: @tomsontee @ghostrobot
How does this production embrace sustainability?: The film argues against the norms of excess, and extractive processes that are decimating our environment.
Synopsis: A Wall Street suit learns her head's gonna explode in three days. It's bucket list time except — she's flat broke. What, you think it's easy to have money? You try paying a luxury condo mortgage, hiring a housekeeper that cooks four different cuisines, booking a villa in France every summer — and have any sort of savings account.

It's real simple: if you look poor, you are poor. (English, 5 min)
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