Matthew's Crossing Food Bank funraiser - Gita Farid - Zanzibar Media JPG
Matthew's Crossing Food Bank funraiser - Gita Farid - Zanzibar Media MP4 4m:01s

Matthew's Crossing Food Bank funraiser - Zanzibar Media
Gita Farid

Matthew's Crossing Food Bank funraiser - Zanzibar Media - Gita Farid


Title: Matthew's Crossing Food Bank funraiser
Brand/Artist: Zanzibar Media
Director: Gita Farid
Production Company: Zanzibar Media
Instagram Tag: @gitafaridfilms, @zanzibarmediaservice, @buzz.cutmedia
How does this production embrace sustainability?: The food bank collects and has food companies and supermarkets who donate food for individuals, families in difficulties and homeless people. They work with volunteers who redistribute the food and school supplies to those in need. This video showed a single Mum who tries to provide for her little girl with the help of Matthew's Crossing Food Bank. Interestingly enough, the main actress had been homeless at one time and had received help from the food bank, so her tears were real. This video was played at the fundraising gala and raised 2 1/2 more funding than the previous year! It also played on their website for 2 years.
Synopsis: Single Mum coping with raising child faces everyday challenges of food poverty and difficulties in resources. Her little girl finds a discarded jewellry box, Mum tries to fix it for her. They find solace and are provided food with which Mum can make meals for her small family. Mum faces child away from difficulties, fixes ballerina jewellry box and there is happiness! We had a live ballerina perform at the end of the video when it was first shown at the fundraising gala! She was also a volunteer!
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